I've decided that it's time for a
blog. Everyone else seems to have one. So...why not? It's pretty much
all I do on FB anyway. Unlike some, who seem to think FB is for
Tweeting, I tend to only post, when I actually have something to say.
And I generally only have something to say, when I'm working on a
How sad is that? 20yrs ago, I'd have had plenty to say...about all
kinds of stuff. But then again...most of that probably would have been
drunken ramblings.
So here beginneth my blog about my never ending projects. Maybe by
blogging about my projects, and showing that a woman can, in fact, do
these projects, you'll find the courage to try something yourself. Go
down to your local hardware store and buy some tools ladies! And, don't
FEAR the power tools!
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